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Worthington Industries

Worthington Industries is a leading provider of high-quality, innovative products and services. When the company first partnered with Garmon Distributors in 2021, the relationship was slow to start. However, over the past year, the partnership has grown substantially, thanks to Garmon's commitment to Worthington's products and consistent growth and scalability.


One of the key factors in the success of the partnership has been the annual sales meetings between Worthington and Garmon. These meetings have allowed the companies to review their progress, discuss new product offerings, and identify areas for improvement. As a result of these meetings, Garmon has gained a deeper understanding of Worthington's products and has been able to provide more effective fulfillment and distribution services.


In 2022, the partnership reached new levels when Worthington opened up its entire catalog to Garmon. This was a major milestone for the partnership, as it allowed Garmon to offer a wider range of Worthington products to its customers. Since opening up the catalog, the program has flourished, with sales of Worthington's products increasing significantly.


Overall, the relationship between Worthington Industries and Garmon Distributors has grown substantially over the past year, thanks to Garmon's commitment to Worthington's products and consistent growth and scalability. The annual sales meetings and the decision to open up the entire catalog to Garmon have played a key role in the success of the partnership.

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